We set clear standards

Social responsibility is not a series of buzzwords we use to impress our stakeholders – it is an inherent part of our company culture. Zehnder’s own Code of Conduct and system of values, as well as our active membership of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact serve as the foundations and guidelines for our actions. This enables us to establish clear obligations and standards for both employees and the suppliers we work with.

    infographic society

    Society focus areas

    It is part of our duty of care as a company to guarantee decent working conditions and respect for human rights. We actively embrace this duty by adopting a due diligence approach to the upholding of human rights by respecting the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights. We plan to minimise the use of rare earth elements and conflict minerals in our products and also involve our suppliers in this process. We are also implementing the counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative according to Art. 964j ff. of the Swiss Code of Obligations and the Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour.

    Integrity, honesty and reliability represent the starting point for our dealings with customers, suppliers, business partners and colleagues. Our Zehnder Code of Conduct  serves as a guide for ethically, socially and legally correct behaviour - we use it to ensure we always do the right things. Together with our corporate values, the guidelines in our Code of Conduct form the cornerstones of how we act. The contents have been translated into ten languages, and we communicate them to all employees of Zehnder Group.

    Our Code of Conduct covers the following areas:

    • Integrity, ethics and compliance
    • Conflicts of interest and insider trading
    • Safeguarding corporate assets
    • Communication
    • Environment, health and safety
    • Fairness, respect and anti-harassment
    • Diversity, equity and inclusion
    • Confidentiality and data privacy
    • Competition and global trade
    • Corruption and gifts
    • Quality


    We want to ensure our suppliers adhere to the same sustainable and societal standards as our employees. The Supplier Code of Conduct  establishes a common understanding with the business partners in our supply chain. Long-term cooperation, mutual commitment, sustainability and social responsibility are vital principles set out in this Code of Conduct. We seek to ensure that all our business partners sign it or adhere to an equivalent standard. In addition, we conduct regular audits of our suppliers to better assess their impact on society and the environment.

    Zehnder Group’s Code of Conduct is a key element in our daily work with our employees, customers, suppliers and partners. It helps us to do the right thing.

    Fabian Glässer, Group Legal Counsel at Zehnder Group

    Portrait von Zehnder Mitarbeiter Fabian Glässer, Group Legal Counsel

    Best practice at Zehnder

    laughing women in business outfit shaking hands
    Ethics in everyday life

    The Zehnder Group’s Code of Conduct lies at the heart of our corporate culture. The guidelines are designed to give us pointers in our day-to-day work activities and help us to do the right thing.

    always the best climate

    Find out more about sustainability at Zehnder here
